Tag Archives: creative vision

Your Daily Action Partner

Your Daily Action Partner

In my creativity coaching work, one of the most common things I see is that people have a vision, but they sabotage themselves in carrying it out.  Your integrity with yourself, that is, your ability to think, act, and speak in alignment with your vision is your magic key to carrying out your vision.  When you make an agreement with yourself to do something in line with your vision, you need to guard that agreement with all of your being.  (Therefore, don’t make agreements you aren’t willing to keep!)  When you break an agreement with yourself, there is a breach in your integrity that must be repaired.

You have to do this for yourself, but you don’t have to do it by yourself.  One of the best tools for staying aligned with your integrity is having a daily action partner.  This is a person with whom you make an agreement to call every morning (set a time to call by) and outline what your actions will be for the day.  Each of you take five minutes or less letting the other person know what steps you are taking today.  An action partner can inspire you, fire you up, and hold you accountable for following through on your dreams.  Take turns listening and be compassionate when there is a break-down.  All that needs to happen when you break a commitment is that you speak what happened, what the cause of the breakdown was, and a statement of what you are re-committing to.

        "When you are impeccable, you take responsibility for your actions, but you do not judge or blame yourself." 

        -Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements

Creative Heart Welcome!

Creative Heart Welcome!

I’m looking forward to sharing insights, tools, and action steps for living your creative vision!

As an artist and comedian, I have direct experience pushing past creative blocks.  In my creativity coaching practice, I help artists move beyond creative blocks and support them to access the well of creativity, uniting meaning and money.  I support you to be your gift to the world.


       ???And your very flesh shall be a great poem.??? -Walt Whitman