Tag Archives: alicia dattner san francisco

Shhh!!! Keep your goals a secret?

Shhh!!! Keep your goals a secret?

What?  Yup.  Can spilling your big ideas ruin them?  I'm sure not sharing the biggest ones.

This is a really important video.  And it only takes 3 minutes to watch.  

Essentially: state your goals in a way that gives you no satisfaction.  That way, you'll still be motivated to accomplish them.  


Letting Go of Your Inner Censor to Encourage Creativity

Letting Go of Your Inner Censor to Encourage Creativity

I'm just watching this great TED Talk with Tim Brown on creativity.  He's the CEO of Innovation and Design at IDEO and has some amazing information to share about creativity, mescaline, prototyping toys, preschool, the loss of playful thinking that happens through formal education.  It's got me buzzing! 

He's at the 2008 Serious Play conference.  He Tim Brown talks about the powerful relationship between creative thinking and play.

He says that we can be serious AND playful in our adult lives.  What do we need to do that?  Trust to play, and trust to be creative.  We need exploration, building and thinking with our hands, and role-play.  (These are just the end notes…  See the whole video to really get what he's communicating.)

Eat, Pray, Laugh! solo show premiers

Eat, Pray, Laugh! solo show premiers

So the creativity coaching work that I do is largely based on the work I’ve done to get through the blocks to being a comedian, solo performer, and artist.  Here’s a little sample of what I’ve been up to in my creative life.  I’ll be performing this show Eat, Pray, Laugh! in San Francisco January 20th, 2010 to April 28th each week with a kirtan leader.  You can get tickets here.